Meet Antano and Harini, the creators of Excellence Installation Technology

At Antano & Harini, they assist you in accelerating your personal evolution in ALL areas concurrently, whether it’s Legacy, Business, Health, or Family. Want to know How? Have a look at this exclusive interview and get to know it yourself.
Firstly, let our readers know what Antano & Harini is all about.
Antano & Harini are the Personal Evolution Scientists of the world. We put the capability to evolve people into the next tier of changemakers, hailing from all walks of life. Conventionally, helping people improve or evolve has been limited to psychologists, counsellors, coaches, etc. But aren’t we all in the business of evolving people? As entrepreneurs, educators, doctors, parents, spouses, team leaders, managers, friends, etc., we all try our best to evolve people who are important to us the best way we know how!
To the same end, Antano & Harini believe that people from all walks of life should be empowered with the right set of capabilities and mindset to impact and evolve people, especially doctors, lawyers, educationists, entrepreneurs, CXOs, CEOs, SMB owners, artists, and homemakers, amongst others. To achieve this, they lay high emphasis on Predictive Intelligence!
It’s commonly said that any advanced technology can be a boon or a curse, and it’s the wisdom that makes the difference. Predictive Intelligence is the most scientific way of developing the intuition, contextual awareness, and systemic thinking required to develop wisdom and go after the most specific and targeted changes in others that will help them completely turn around their life!
What is the procedure to enrol for membership?
A&H Membership is open to every driven individual who wishes to make a difference in the world. We have developed a specialised screening process to evaluate if applicants have the right “intentions” and “unconscious priorities” before being part of the A&H Community. It is of utmost importance for us to ensure that people come here for the right reasons, a deep desire to take their unique impact to the masses, and not led by any superficial motives.
What benefits does A&H membership offer?
A&H Membership, or A&H Fast-Track Legacy, is a one-stop solution for all the needs of an Impact Creator – business, health, family, and legacy. A&H Members achieve integrated life outcomes in record time through “Superior Capability Installations”. As the original Capability Accelerators, Antano & Harini is the first-ever platform to create the fastest pathway between one’s hopes, dreams, aspirations, a deep desire to change from within and real innate capabilities that sustain for life!
The Predictive-Intelligence-led Diagnostics & fastest-in-the-world Implementation cycles produce incredible time-compression impact, helping everyone accelerate their success and launch a unique legacy in 2-3 years and not in decades.
Right from Business, Health, Relationships, Family Togetherness, Career, Learning, and Healing to overall Wellness, Vitality, Creativity, Performance, Genius Traits Acceleration and more, A&H Membership packs in incredible acceleration across all vital aspects of being a global Impact Creator & launching a Unique Legacy.
What techniques do Antano & Harini use to make such profound transformations in people?
We use Predictive Intelligence and Installation Skills to change the course of a person’s life trajectory.
Predictive Intelligence is a well-developed intuition that comes from studying the accelerated evolution of individuals and the overall impact it has on every key aspect of their life: Business, Health, Family, and Legacy.
Installation skills are when a specialist takes a person into that altered state where a change can happen at an autonomous level, thereby helping the capability to develop within minutes instead of hours and minutes or hours and sort of months, years and decades.
And a combination of this, along with the Excellence Installation framework already established, allows a specialist to intuitively arrive at the capabilities that get a person to fulfil their desired legacy and create their dream life in the shortest time frame possible.
What has been the most challenging part of your journey till now?
How would you have explained what a car is to someone from an ancient civilisation a thousand years ago? And somehow, with all of your skills and might, you may have still explained a car, but how are you going to explain to them about satellites?
Similarly, while the world as we know it has evolved a lot in terms of science & technology, however, when it comes to personal evolution, the world at large is stuck in primitive times. Excellence Installations is so advanced, with its precision to deliver the right message, education, and necessary capability development to our unconscious minds, to bring about trailblazing results, right from medical miracles to unprecedented career acceleration to helping individuals create Blue Oceans & launch a Unique Legacy.
As entrepreneurs, Antano & I have embraced this challenge to make evolving excellence a birthright to everyone across the globe.
What are your future plans for the organisation?
Like GE taking electricity to the world, Antano & Harini are driven to bring Excellence Installation solutions to every home and accessible to every person in the world.
Imagine a world where “Excellence” has become a “Birthright” for the 8 billion people across the globe! In a world where no human has to succumb to mediocrity or circumstances, no longer have to languish in the agony of wanting to lead a better life (intent) but not being capable of achieving that (innate capability).
As the advent of doctors, in scale, advanced human life expectancy, and engineers pushed forward the innovations that we today take for granted, the presence of Excellence Installation Specialists across the globe will condense the time lag between intentions and capabilities. And imagine how the world will evolve when everyone is empowered with the complete capability kit to achieve outcomes without losing critical years of life.
We see a world where everyone has access to an Excellence Installations Specialist, just like the world today has access to doctors, engineers, educators, advanced healthcare and more. And to make that happen, we are committed to creating 10 million Excellence Installations Specialists across the globe.
The post Meet Antano and Harini, the creators of Excellence Installation Technology first appeared on Hello Entrepreneurs.