1.77 Lakh Udyam-Verified Women MSEs Unlock New Opportunities on GeM Platform

1.77 Lakh Udyam-Verified Women MSEs Unlock New Opportunities on GeM Platform

New Delhi: In India, women entrepreneurs are growing and making a mark. Many states have started programs to help women build their businesses and portfolios. There are also opportunities for young people to grow their careers through different platforms.

By this, they can also create and build their portfolio in which we have one better startup in which they have created an image in the entrepreneurs the startup is GeM (Government e-marketplace) and this was unlocked for those women entrepreneurs in the state and India and now which of them there is a Udyam verified women for MSE’s formation to create some better image in the market.

According to the official statement on Tuesday, women entrepreneurs account for 8% of the total seller base on the Government e-marketplace, and the accounts are verified around 1,77,786 Udyam-verified women micro, and small enterprises which are registered on the portal, fulfilling the cumulative order value of Rs 46,615 crore which is the highest amount by this they have created this much by the women entrepreneurs by this they have created that much good image and the this was fulfilled by on the portal of Government e-marketplace.

L Satya Srinivas, the CEO of GeM (Government e-marketplace) at the launch of SWAYATT, there were only 6,300 women-led enterprises and almost 3,400 startups when this was launched and they were onboarded on the GeM, then the platform grew manifold and they have to address the challenges in the access of market, access of finance, and in access of value-addition through proper e-market linkages from the public procurement, and then GeM has also started the startups for the fulfillment of the order worth Rs 35,950 crore, he said and if see the growth of this GeM portal this was only portal by which the women enterprises have the proper knowledge about the actual formation they have created in the market.

GeM (Government e-marketplace) has completed its six years in startups, women and youth place advances through the e-Transaction SWAYATT initiative. When SWAYATT was launched in February 2019, it had a clear and complete concept for women-led enterprises and youth-led enterprises in their public procurement. GeM is rooted in the foundational pillar of social inclusion, SWAYATT is the portal that is committed to those who want to get a business and establish a direct market that is linkages with public procurement, women led-enterprises, MSEs, Self Help Groups Youth, especially for those who come from backward sections to get their own business and for those who want to establish the direct marketing. 

SWAYATT has a complete facility for training and doing the business strategy for those to build a portfolio in the market with a direct market connection for maintaining the government policy in that business which are started and they have clear inclusion for those who come from the backward section of the areas and dreamed to wanted known business market. The GeM signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ladies Organisation, an all-India forum representing over 9,500 women entrepreneurs and youth.

<p>The post 1.77 Lakh Udyam-Verified Women MSEs Unlock New Opportunities on GeM Platform first appeared on Hello Entrepreneurs.</p>

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Deepak Saxena